Wednesday 8 June 2016

P1 pre-production materials for a planned original print media product

Purpose of Project
  • My project will be to make a print advertisement for Ferrero Rocher chocolate
  • This company produces quality and tasty chocolate that always looks classy and is nice enough to be given as gifts for all occasions
  • Advertisements can help improve the image of a company and a product, so creating an advertisement for this product can help establish it as the first thing that comes to mind when someone is thinking of gift ideas
  • Advertisements are used to boost sales for companies as they make people aware of a product and convince them to purchase it
  • Advertisements also help to keep a product in people’s minds even if they have already experienced the product by reminding them that it exists and they should purchase it again
Goal of Project
  • My goal for this project is to create unity between my advertisement and the advertisements that are frequently found in print publications 
  • Ferrero Rocher chocolates come in little gold-wrapped packages and are shaped like small balls. They usually come in packs of either three or six, or in larger bags and boxes 
  • Because the company wants to advertise their product as being a good gift idea, their advertisements usually show them being given rather than just someone eating them. Around Christmas time they make little Christmas trees out of the chocolates. They also show the chocolates being passed around at parties, with champagne, and between people who are dressed very fancily.
  • There is also magic used in some of the images, as sometimes the chocolates are shown floating or flying around with a trail of gold dust behind them. 
  • Gold and black are the two main colours used in most of their advertisements. 

Here are some of the advertisements for Ferrero Rocher chocolates. Some of them are video stills from commercials and some are just print-based works. 

What I noticed:
  • Women in formal clothing 
  • Women are receiving the gift of Ferrero Rocher
  • Romance
  • Magic (gold dust)
  • Associated with gods
  • Holidays
  • Gold and black
  • Ribbons
  • Happiness
  • Groups
  • Chocolate in the advertisement, not just mentioned 
Mood Board: 

My plan: 
Ferrero Rocher advertisements have made it seem like the chocolate is good to give to someone during a holiday, but I think they are also good to give on any regular day. My idea is to show them as a gift you give because you miss someone or love someone or just want to remind someone that they are special. I’ll use the same ideas found in all of the holiday or magic advertisements, but mix them with everyday life so viewers see it is always important to remind people you care about them, and not just during holidays. 
I think this would be good for a billboard because people will already be out, probably driving, and would see the billboard and think that they could stop and get the chocolates on their way home or on their way to meet someone special. 
I will use the black and gold colours and show pieces of the chocolate so people don’t just think about chocolates, but specifically Ferrero Rocher chocolates. I will have the chocolates with a simple handwritten note that is meant to remind someone to have a good day, or that they did a good job, or something that it is simple but also emotional.

Production Schedule :

launch date: 30th October

Print advertisement for Ferrero Rocher Cholocate to be launch on 30th October at same time as the commercial for the same product (unit 17).

  • The first font I considered was Edwardian Script because it is elegant and pretty
  • The second font I considered was Gautami Regular in all caps because it is similar to the logo on the chocolate boxes
  • The third font I considered was Franklin Gothic Medium because it is like the logo but it is also more elegant and sophisticated since I cannot use the same font from the logo
  • I will choose the first or the third option, because they match best with the content of Ferrero Rocher advertisements 
  • Production Schedule: 
    I have already shot some footage for this advertisement. While I took video footage, I will either use some of the still images for the advertisement or I will simply show the product on its own with a slogan that emphasizes the chocolate as being worthy of giving as a gift. 
    I will now edit some of the video footage to see if the advertisement looks better with or without people in it. 

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