Wednesday 8 June 2016

P2 (a) outcome of recce(s)

P2 – Outcome of Recce, Potential Hazards, Solutions
Recce means going to a location where you plan to do a photo or video shoot and getting used to the location. It means knowing about your light sources, about any noises or other things that could interfere with your shoot, about where to set up your camera, how to adjust your settings, and more. 

When I filmed and took pictures for my projects on Ferrero Rocher, I chose a park that I was already familiar with. I also chose different places on campus to use including classrooms and the track area. Before I shot, I went to the park to look at it differently, this time with the fact that I was going to be filming there in mind. I thought about all the different shots I would take and from which angles and chose a time of day and the weather where the sun would not be too much in the way of getting nice shots. I also found the spots where there were not as many people so they would not be walking through my shots and I would not be disrupting their time in the park either. This will minimize my risks and hazards and make sure that I do not interfere with anyone else as well. While I was shooting, if I saw people coming along I would stop as soon as I could to let them pass comfortably or I would warn them so they could move themselves. 

At the school, I had to make sure I was not capturing anything in the images like other brands or products that would violate copyright laws. In order to avoid this, I was mindful of everything that was in each of my shots. I also made sure there were not any people around who did not want to be filmed by informing people around me if I was shooting and warning them not to enter an area I was shooting in. This helped set the mood of my film while also avoiding any risks. 

Although I got some good shots of a box of chocolate and several video scenes, I might use a stock or available photo of the Ferrero Rocher because it will be more in line with what other print advertisements for this product will look like.

For unit 14 , I took the still images of main product ( Ferrero ) in my school media studio.Because it got professional equipment such as lighting and camera I can borrow and I took a lot of shots in the station for the past projects.Therefore I think the studio if a really good location for me to take my still images.

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